I have a confession to make. I am obsessed with vintage floral prints and 60's/70's era patterns. I don't know why. I have been this way for years. I painted the ceiling with a giant flower pattern in my former home. My current bathroom is bright orange to match the wild flower pattern of my shower curtain. I think Heather Bailey is a genius.
I can't explain it. I just like them. They make me happy. Maybe it is nostalgia for the flower print dresses my grandmother used to make me as a child in the 70's or maybe it is just the graphic use of pattern and the bright unconcerned colors, that seem to say "this is what we do. Take us or leave us." Maybe it is a little of both. Of course, it could also be this...
You are looking at the tray my mother served me chicken noodle soup and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on every time I was sick through out my entire childhood. It was always chicken noodle, and PB&J. I still crave these when I feel bad till this day, and I will not even look at chicken noodle soup if PB&J are not nearby. I hear some people had tomato soup when they were sick, but that's just weird :) When I grew up I asked my mother for this tray, thinking that I would use it with my own kids at some point. It just felt like it was something I wanted to hold on to. Perhaps because of the memory and feeling of comfort that it held for me as a child. I mean seriously. Can you imagine the feeling of importance I must have gained from being served on this pattern when ill, as a child? It is an absolute wonder that I didn't grow up thinking I was royalty :)
Isn't she a BEAUT !!! Even sick, I remember feeling special to be having lunch served to me in bed propped up on pillows like a princess. I suppose that this tray may very well be the reason why I am so drawn to vintage floral prints today. Perhaps they offer an unspoken comfort and a reminder of a time in my life when things were more simple and all my needs were easily met. Thanks Mom for keeping me well. I know it was a lot of work sometimes.
I can't say for certain why I love these patterns. All I know for sure is, I want them around me. Which is probably why I had such a blast this past Saturday when I went thrift shopping for plates to use on the blog. I already had some, but I got quite a few new ones. I told myself I should wait, and let you see them all one by one, but I have never been good at waiting, soooo....
Once it occurred to me that I could line them all up in rows like this and photograph them, it was over. I seriously need a hobby. Wait a second, I think I just got one...or four. Ummm...blogging...plate shopping and collecting...developing my underdeveloped green thumb...spreading icing on cakes. I'm covered. Carry on :)
So here are some close ups of some of my favorite plates in the recently declared "collection" previously known as just a stack of plates.
I actually have a whole tea set of this pattern. I began begging my parents to give me this set when I was 12. My dad got them overseas when he was very young and in the military. My mom always thought they were awful, but I have always LOVED them. I used to climb up on a chair to get on the counter and look at them, when as a child they were hidden in the cabinet above the refrigerator. If you hold the tea cups up to the light you can see a geisha in the bottom of the cup. I found this fascinating as a child.
Finally I grew up and settled down enough that the folks passed the set to me. Can you say prized possession?
These two I got at a flea market. I love the patterns. They are awesome.
This one I got at Goodwill. It is yellow with dots, and that is enough for me :)
This one, Mississippi Rob's Grandmother made. Ceramics was one of her many creative pass times. When she passed away, no one else seemed to care for these because they are...how should I say...kinda dated and funky. Which, of course, was right up my ally, so I said "Can I have them?" We have several pieces of her ceramics. They don't go together, and they don't go with any thing else we have, but I like having them around. They are part of MRob's history. We are big on history in this house. We're smarties :) I didn't know his grandmother for very long. She passed away not long after MRob and I were married, but she was very kind to me during the short time that I did know her. She was a super talented lady, and it's nice to have a reminder of her.
Just thought I would give you a little introduction to some of the members of my growing plate collection. I have never officially collected anything before I don't think. Now is probably as good a time as any to start. Do not be surprised if you see me propped up on feather pillows eating off them in the future. I've been doing a little "re-princessing" lately :) Try to bare with me.
P.S. I almost forgot. I also found this wonderfulness while thrift shopping Saturday.
They are a lot brighter green than they look in this picture. They sing to me. I haven't found a home for them with in my home yet, but I know they belong with me. MRob's eye roll when I squealed at sighting them across the thrift store, told me he feels the same way. Well, he'll get used to them anyway :)
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